
The PANSW advocated for police to receive devoted emergency management resources, and the NSW Government has listened.

What this means for you:
1.    More police officers, devoted to emergency management duties and leadership to ensure police are not stretched beyond capacity during emergencies and meeting their other core duties,
2.    Promotional opportunities within the new Emergency Management hierarchy,
3.    Clear chain of command between emergency services agencies during a disaster.

Whenever there is an emergency, everyone looks to NSW police officers for leadership.

Time and time again, you and your colleagues have seen this state through the greatest challenges, whatever form they take.

Nothing exemplifies this more than the events of the previous 3 years, where the leadership and
emergency management skills of the NSWPF has led us through unprecedented floods, fires and

The rate at which we have experienced emergencies has dramatically increased and are predicted to
continue to increase.

Police officers continue to put their hand up to help, and so far continue to meet the demand as these challenges arise.

But significant time from all ranks, from Constable to Commissioner, is being deployed to meet these challenges in addition to the already significant demand in NSW for the other services police officers provide.

The PANSW therefore called for NSWPF to be given devoted resources to keep the community safe.

The Government has listened to the PANSW and announced an overhaul of emergency management in this State.

The NSW Police Force is to receive funding for an expanded Emergency Management Unit, headed by a new Deputy Commissioner, as well as  funded, permanent emergency management police positions across all 27 police districts in regional NSW, and the 3 police metropolitan regions in Sydney, with priority given to identified high risk-catchments.

This historic announcement recognises the unique skillset of the men and women of NSWPF. When a crisis occurs, our members go above and beyond their function as first responders to respond to the call and keep our communities safe.  

As has occurred with other agencies across the world, the NSWPF had had to adapt and evolve its traditional function as a law enforcement agency to respond to meet the operational demands of an increasing number of emergency situations. The NSWPF has pivoted over the last few years, adopting a lead role in the emergency management response during the pandemic, bushfires and floods. 

NSW Police Officers have diverse skills and experience. Police not only perform  essential law enforcement functions, they are also highly experienced in emergency management, cross-agency coordination, and community safety. Whatever the challenge, circumstances or expertise required, NSW Police Officers are the best placed to protect the people of NSW.

Time and time again, the leadership and emergency management skills of police officers have been utilised at every level of the NSWPF to manage every tier of the process – from coordinating large-scale multi-agency efforts as Recovery Coordinator, Emergency Operations Controllers, to officers undertaking deployments and working seamlessly with other first responders to swiftly and effectively manage the rescue and recovery effort on the ground in the impacted communities.   

The formalisation of this process by establishing a dedicated Emergency Management Deputy Commissioner with a dedicated structure at a local level will enhance our ability to respond when an emergency operation occurs. We will be more prepared and in control from the outset, rather than being called on to assume control of operations when the situation becomes dire.  

This announcement is a testament to your unique expertise and skills in your ability to continue to serve the people of NSW, recognising your ability to rise again and again to meet these challenges. With dedicated resources in place, this structure should alleviate the pressure on you and your Commands to adopt these roles while performing your existing duties.