Member Services
Membership of the Police Association of NSW (PANSW) provides members access to a full range of union services and member benefits throughout their career – from the time they leave the NSW Police Force Academy in Goulburn through to their last day and retirement.
The PANSW is a not-for-profit organisation where all funds are directed into member services and benefits. All membership subscriptions are fully tax deductible and are tiered in accordance with the member’s salary.
We also work closely with our primary charitable partner NSW Police Legacy and have several PANSW representatives on their board.
Member Services
The value attached to being a Member is often initially perceived in terms of the vital ‘safety net’ that PANSW services offer for members.
A prime example of that is the 24/7 callout response that occurs whenever a Critical Incident (CI) takes place – well known as one of the most difficult and stressful events that a member can experience. During a CI, which may take many months to be resolved, the Association ensures members know their rights and obligations and will be on hand to ensure procedural fairness, advise access to legal advice, back in recognition of entitlements and provide welfare support as needed.
Negotiating the best possible outcome for each round of the industrial Award covering police officers has always been a key focus of Association activity. The Award determines fundamental conditions of employment such as remuneration, allowances, leave entitlements and related working conditions.
This has been supplemented by instruments such as a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the NSW Government to further lock in other fundamental areas such as Police Blue Ribbon Insurance (Death and Disability) and Workers Compensation provisions through to June 2024.
Members have access to a variety of beneficial schemes and initiatives delivered by the PANSW, including:
- Access to the PANSW Legal Assistance scheme consistent with the scheme rules
- Access to the PANSW Welfare Assistance Scheme which supports members who find themselves facing financial difficulties beyond their control due to circumstances such as hospitalisation, an accident, illness, injury or illness to members’ dependents. This assistance is coordinated by a full-time Member Support Coordinator and backed up by a network of Branch Welfare officers. Practical assistance can range across arranging accommodation needs, meeting travel and incidental costs and hospital TV hire.
- Access to the Death Benefit Scheme which delivers:
- $15,000 to your nominated beneficiary should you pass away
- Death Benefit of $15,000 to you should your spouse or partner pass away
- $12,000 trust funds for each dependent child under 18 upon death of member or their spouse
- Funeral expenses upon passing of dependent child under 18 of up to $5,000
- $12,000 trust funds for each dependent child under 18 upon death of member’s spouse or partner
Information detailing these schemes is available to Members when you log in to the Member-only view of this website.
Other beneficial offerings available to Association members include:
- Access to Training Courses in Industrial Relations and Workers Health and Safety.
- The bimonthly PANSW Police News and other branded material/ merchandise.
- An annual application process for Scholarships that are awarded to serving members’ children on the results of the HSC to assist towards the cost of tertiary education.
- A free basic Will service through the PANSW panel solicitors.
- The presentation of a gift – generally a watch – to members who retire upon completion of 20 years’ continuous membership, or have been discharged medically unfit with less than 20 years’ service due to a work-related infirmity.
Note: In conjunction with NSWPF, the PANSW has responsibility for administering The Police Shop, the only retail outlet authorised to sell items using the official corporate branding of the NSWPF.
Member Benefit Partnership Scheme
A variety of commercial offers and discounts are made available to Association members through Member Benefit partners, as well as one-off promotions.
These can provide Members with significant savings in relation to:
- Banking
- Health and wellness
- Car Hire and Novated Leasing
- Footwear and apparel
- and many more...
Visit the login-protected Member Benefits section of the website.