
PANSW Welcomes Recommendation That Workers Comp Bill Be Rejected 

The Police Association of NSW has today welcomed news that a NSW upper house committee has recommended the rejection of changes to workplace compensation that would require frontline workers infected with COVID-19 to prove where they got it.

Police Association of NSW President, Tony King, said the Association is hopeful the Bill, which seeks to remove a section that was added to the Workers Compensation Act providing a presumption that certain workers in frontline industries who catch COVID-19 were infected at work and should be supported through workers compensation, will now be rejected. 

“The recommendation from the Committee supports what we’ve been saying for a long time – that this Bill needs to be rejected. This was clearly articulated though our submission and subsequent evidence provided to the committee,” Mr King said. 

“The Police Association of NSW has been speaking to MPs, including those on the cross bench, about our concerns around the Bill and we anticipate their support in seeing it rejected. 

“Requiring police to prove they contracted COVID-19 while at work is ridiculous and unworkable and puts unnecessary stress on police and their families during an already incredibly difficult time. 

“Police, like many other workers, have been on the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic, putting themselves and their families at risk every single day. To then force them to prove they caught COVID at work would be a real insult to the men and women working around the clock to keep our community safe.”

The PANSW and the Union movement was highly influential in securing this recommendation and will continue to work with MPs to ensure this Bill does not pass the Legislative Council.

The PANSW gave extensive evidence to the Committee in person and in a written submission:

PANSW written Submission

Transcript of PANSW appearance