The Police Association of New South Wales (PANSW) has congratulated Paul Toole, Deputy Premier and leader of the NSW Nationals, on the news he will hold the Police Minister portfolio in the reshuffled Cabinet announced by Premier Dominic Perrottet. 

“First of all, I want to pay a tribute to the Hon. David Elliott for the sterling service he provided to this state as the Minister for Police and Emergency Services over the last three years,” said Tony King, PANSW President. 

“In these extremely challenging times David’s consistently dedicated support for the police officers of New South Wales has been greatly appreciated. 

“There is no greater compliment that we can pay David than to acknowledge that he applied himself 100% to protecting the protectors. His work on issues such as backing our latest Award and Memorandum of Understanding with the Coalition Government, the passage of Mandatory Disease Testing legislation and the introduction of the Optional Disengagement Scheme are a legacy he should be very proud of.

Tony King: “As we move into 2022 the Police Association is heartened that the Police portfolio will be in good hands with Paul Toole, and that the NSW Police Force will continue to be well provisioned in its role as this state’s universal disaster responders. 

“We have every confidence that the needs of policing across New South Wales will receive the priority they demand and deserve. 

“It is also a positive to know that coupled with the new leadership of Commissioner Designate Karen Webb, the Police portfolio now has two people at the helm who have a strong understanding of rural and regional NSW and have the country at heart. 

“In addition we also welcome and congratulate National MP Steph Cooke as the new Minister for Emergency Services and Resilience”.